Sunday, June 1, 2008

Called to Serve

The past couple of weeks have brought some really neat missionary experiences for us.  A week ago we had the sister missionaries and Stan Plosa (the same man we took to the temple grounds a few weeks back) to our home for a discussion.  

Sister Petersen and Sister Eyre were introducing the Law of Tithing to Stan and we were able to share our own testimonies of tithing.  It was a sweet experience sharing a basic principle of our beliefs with him.  

The sisters also told Abe that a wonderful English couple, Collin and Paula Puddyfat have made a commitment to baptism and have asked Abe to baptize them.  They will be baptized in a few weeks. 

Yesterday I accompanied the sisters and two investigators, Stan and another man named Terry, to a baptism in Aldershot, a town 30 minutes away outside our stake boundaries.  The man being baptized will be in the Farnborough ward in our stake, but Farnborough does not yet have their own building and meets in a school for church. Stan and Terry are both considering baptism and were interested in knowing what to expect on their baptism day.  

The missionaries are required to bring a member of the ward along with them on all visits.  This is a fairly new rule put in place just last fall.  The sisters say that they have seen it be very effective in integrating new members into the ward and helping build relationships with local members. 

I really enjoyed going along with them.  It was an opportunity to look at baptism from a new perspective and to feel the joy of missionary work. The gospel is true, I know it and I am thankful for it.


Hannah S said...

How neat! I hope that gentleman gets baptized. What a great time to do missionary work.

Bamma said...

We love every update on this marvelous process. Keep us posted.

Love, Bamma

Mary Ann said...

Hi Knells, it's the McFarlands! We saw your blog on the Stakers' and wanted to see how you've been doing. It looks as if you're having a wonderful time, but we were so surprised to see Sister Eyre's picture here! She's our sister-in-law's sister, so we're used to seeing her on a different blog. Glad that you're all working together in London. Take care!