Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Zach and his friend Chase Heiner found a rabbit in the field by our house.  We let them bring it in thinking it was our neighbor's as they have a few pet rabbits.   
It took us a few days to get ahold of the neighbors.   In the meantime our kids were enjoying caring for said rabbit who was living happy in our unfinished basement.  We did finally get ahold of the neighbors and they informed us that this rabbit was, in-fact not their rabbit.  Our kids quickly came to believe they now had a new pet.  The boys even came up with the strapping name of SPARKY which fit our little rabbit quite well. 
WELL...Mom does not particularly enjoy rabbit droppings and carrots spread randomly throughout the basement and I began to form a plan to get rid of Sparky. 
My brother's son Finn is buried at East Lawn Cemetery on the east bench of Provo.  In this cemetery we have often spotted rabbits hopping around the lawns.  "Why not let Sparky join the multitude of rabbits at the cemetery?" I ask myself.  
I explained to the kids how I simply did not want a rabbit...after-all they are not a fun pet, they run away they don't make any sounds and are not loyal to their owners.  "We'll get a good pet eventually I say".  "How about if we take Sparky up to Finn's spot and let him go free?"

Well they finally agreed to it as they love Finn and think it would be a good memory.  This way we can look for Sparky every time we go to visit his spot. 

Last Sunday we transported Sparky from our basement to the great outdoors where he immediately disappeared under a pine tree.  We are sure he has made lots of friends and that Finn is smiling down on his new little rabbit friend.   


{jane} said...

That is the way to have a pet, temporarily! Sparky's cute!

jill allison said...

What a sweet little story. When I was grown and out of the house, my parents got a rabbit for my baby brother Todd. It was exciting at first, but then that wore off when it was realized that rabbits don't really do anything (duh!). So whenever I would go by the house, I would go in the backyard and visit him in his cage...."hair jordan" was his name. I felt bad for the poor guy. So tell the kiddies you gave Sparky a much better life.

Traci said...

Long live SPARKY! Way to go Gretch!

6 P's in a Pod said...

Hey, I'm looking for an "out" for Coda. Have any ideas? (Big, black, harry, stinky, barky, old, arthritic, annoying!) P.S. I'm so glad you guys are home. I just like life better knowing you're just down the road a bit!

Zeus said...

Me, Joesph, and Chase are totally pro at catching rabbits! Don't worry mom, we'll get you a new one.:)