Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!

She is officially four years old folks!

Lucy you are... Adorable, Beautiful, Cute, Darling, Exciting, Funny, Gorgeous, Happy, Innocent, Joking, Kissable, Loveable, Marvelous, Nice, Optimistic, Perfect, Queen, Righteous, Sweet, Talkative, Unbelievable, Vivacious, Willing, X-actly the right size, Youngest, Zed:) 

You make us smile.  You are truly a "light" in our family and we love you so much. Hope you had a fun Birthday in Florence, Rome and London!

Happy Birthday!

Mom, Dad, Zach, Sadie and McKay


{jane} said...

what a cutie!

Sara said...

CAN NOT believe it has been 4 years! WOW! Happy Day, sweet Lucy goose! :)