Friday, April 4, 2008

Fun with face paints

One of the things we have absolutely loved about being here is how our kids have learned to entertain themselves.  We have no cable hook-up so no T.V. shows only playstation or videos and up until yesterday had no internet at home so the kids have had to be creative in what they do together for fun.  

The four of them have spent days pretending they were auditioning for American Idol and filming their performances, for a couple of days they set up an entire fashion design studio in the office with Lucy as their model, we've had competitions of who can make the best animal sounds (these are a riot by the way) and this particular afternoon Sadie was having a face-painting booth. 


Sara said...

SO fun! They will be so close as siblings when you return! Maybe that's what every family needs... to move thousands of miles from everyone and everything they know so that they have to learn to really LIKE each other! :)

Hannah S said...

wow! I would be going crazy w/o internet or TV for them to watch (unless you had movies). But that's great that they're playing w/each other.